Abu Dhabi is gearing up for the third season of the World Tennis League (WTL), a thrilling event that combines top-tier tennis with...
By Nidhi Singh Parihar9 Oct 2024Get ready for an exciting night in Abu Dhabi this December! Grammy Award-winning artist Sean Paul is set to perform at the World...
By Nidhi Singh Parihar27 Sep 2024Get ready to groove to the beat of some awesome tunes with Akon and watch some fierce tennis matches! The World Tennis League...
By Nidhi Singh Parihar17 Sep 2024Music and tennis enthusiasts in Abu Dhabi can look forward to a thrilling evening on December 19 at the Etihad Arena as Bryan...
By Nidhi Singh Parihar1 Jul 2024Abu Dhabi's Etihad Arena has wrapped up a monumental year with over 90 diverse and thrilling performances, including Monster Jam stunts, chart-topping concerts,...
By Nidhi Singh Parihar15 Jan 2024Get ready for a night of musical magic as the World Tennis League (WTL) presents a spectacular ‘R&B Night’ on Friday, December 22....
By Nidhi Singh Parihar18 Oct 2023The World Tennis League (WTL) is set to deliver a sensational blend of sports and entertainment as it announces a star-studded lineup for...
By Nidhi Singh Parihar20 Sep 2023Tennis lovers, listen up! Season two of the World Tennis League is happening in Abu Dhabi in December 2023. Abu Dhabi Sports Council...
By Social Kandura Staff Writer27 Jul 2023