Social Media Video do really well an we all know that – what’s more important is understanding data and analytics to really showcase how well these videos do and what you can monitor.
Different platforms offer different analytics and here’s the run down on Social Media Metrics for platforms you need to know!
- What counts as a view? Three seconds or more
- Auto-plays? Yes
- Auto-loops? Yes (Videos that are 30 seconds or shorter will loop continuously for approximately 90 seconds.)
- Default audio state: Muted (The sound will be on for videos in the mobile app.)
- Maximum length: 120 minutes or 4 GB file size (360 videos are limited to a maximum length of 10 minutes and a maximum size of 1.75 GB.)
- Embeddable outside platform? Yes (Here’s how!)
- View counts for public? Yes
- View counts for owner? Yes
- Analytics dashboard for videos? Yes
Metrics available:
- Minutes viewed
- Unique viewers
- Video views
- 10-Second views
- Video average watch time
- Audience and engagement (People Reached, Post Engagement, Top Audience, and Top Location)
- Facebook also provides a bunch of other metrics for the Facebook post with the video such as reactions, comments, shares, and post clicks, under “Post”.
Facebook LIVE
- What counts as a view? Three seconds or more
- Auto-plays? Yes
- Auto-loops? Yes (Live videos that are 30 seconds or shorter will loop continuously for approximately 90 seconds after the live-streaming ends)
- Default audio state: Muted (The sound will be on for videos in the mobile app.)
- Maximum length: 240 minutes
- Embeddable outside platform? Yes (Only after the live video ends)
- View counts for public? Yes
- View counts for owner? Yes
- Analytics dashboard for videos? Yes
Metrics available:
- Peak live viewers (This is an additional metric for Facebook Live videos that normal Facebook videos don’t have.)
- Minutes viewed
- Unique viewers
- Video views
- 10-Second views
- Video average watch time
- Audience and engagement (People Reached, Post Engagement, Top Audience, and Top Location)
- Facebook also provides a bunch of other metrics for the Facebook post with the video such as reactions, comments, shares, and post clicks, under “Post”.
Social Media Specifications Your Creative Team Needs To Know
- What counts as a view? Three seconds or more (doesn’t include views from embedded posts, views from desktop, or video loops)
- Auto-plays? Yes
- Auto-loops? Yes
- Default audio state: Muted
- Maximum length: 60 seconds
- Embeddable outside platform? Yes (Here’s how!)
- View counts for public? Yes
- View counts for owner? Yes
- Analytics dashboard for videos? No
Metrics available:
- Views
- Likes (and who liked the video)
If you are using an Instagram business profile, you’ll get the following metrics as well:
- Impressions
- Reach
- Engagement
Instagram Stories
Video view: Upon opening
More than 150 million people use Instagram Stories daily. It’s worth looking into what metrics you can have on this platforms and how you can monitor various data points.
Here’s how an Instagram story looks like:
- What counts as a view? Upon opening the story
- Auto-plays? Yes (between stories)
- Auto-loops? No
- Default audio state: Muted
- Maximum length: 10 seconds
- Embeddable outside platform? No
- View counts for public? No
- View counts for owner? Yes
- Analytics dashboard for videos? Yes (for business profiles)
Metrics available:
- Views (and who viewed it)
If you are using an Instagram business profile, you’ll get the following metrics as well:
- Impressions
- Reach
- Engagement
Instagram Live
Video view: Once someone joins the broadcast
Following Facebook’s push for live videos, Instagram has also launched live videos!
Unlike Facebook Live or Periscope, Instagram live videos are not viewable or saved after the live-streaming has ended. Hence, Instagram sends your followers a notification whenever you go live.
- What counts as a view? Once someone joins the broadcast
- Auto-plays? No
- Auto-loops? No
- Default audio state: Muted
- Maximum length: 60 minutes
- Embeddable outside platform? No
- View counts for public? Yes (Number of live viewers)
- View counts for owner? Yes (Number of live viewers)
- Analytics dashboard for videos? No
Metrics available:
- Live viewers at any given time
- Viewers
Instagram Algorithm Explained (BONUS : Metrics Defined)
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