It was a moment of immense pride and joy when two of Bollywood’s most talented actresses, Alia Bhatt and Kriti Sanon, were honoured with the prestigious 69th National Film Awards for Best Actress. Alia was celebrated for her breathtaking performance in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Gangubai Kathiawadi, while Kriti received accolades for her remarkable portrayal in Mimi. To mark this incredible achievement, the two actresses took to social media to extend their heartfelt congratulations to each other.
Kriti Sanon reveals how she and Alia Bhatt plan to celebrate
In a recent interview, Kriti Sanon shared the excitement and elation that they both felt during this remarkable moment. She expressed, “She was phenomenal in Gangubai Kathiawadi. I have always admired her as an actor. I congratulated her, and we were just two girls screaming on the phone, taking it in and being happy for each other. We [said] that when we go to take the award together, we will celebrate this moment.” She further mentioned, “I had written it in my personal diary. Not many actors get to live this moment.”
Read more: Alia Bhatt & Kriti Sanon Receive The Best Actress Titles At 69th National Film Awards
This heartwarming friendship between the two leading actresses of Bollywood, Alia Bhatt and Kriti Sanon serves as a shining example of the spirit of unity and support within the Bollywood industry. Their celebration of each other’s success resonates with fans and admirers, making this achievement even more memorable.
Indeed, not many actors have the privilege of sharing such a cherished moment, and their bond reflects the mutual respect and admiration that characterize the film fraternity. Congratulations to both Alia and Kriti on their well-deserved National Film Awards!
Also Read: Gangubai Kathiawadi To Sardar Udham: 69th National Film Awards Complete Winner List
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