Let’s rewind to 2008, when Madhur Bhandarkar dropped a bombshell on Bollywood with Fashion, a film that didn’t just make waves, it caused a full-blown tsunami. Starring the ever-fierce Priyanka Chopra and the always unpredictable Kangana Ranaut, this cinematic masterpiece peeled back the glossy layers of the fashion industry to reveal the gritty, cutthroat world beneath. And now, after more than a decade, whispers of a Fashion 2 have us on the edge of our seats.
Bhandarkar, the mastermind behind hard-hitting films like Chandni Bar and Page 3, has hinted that a sequel might be on the horizon. The director recently teased that he’s itching to explore the seismic shift in the fashion world, where supermodels are nearly extinct and social media influencers have taken the reins. He’s talking about the Instagram queens and Bollywood celebs who’ve snatched the spotlight, leaving the OG supermodels in the dust. “Fashion has all the potential for a sequel,” Madhur spilled in a recent chat. “The game has changed, and there’s so much to say. This story could easily span a couple of seasons in a series or even another blockbuster film.”
Fashion: The Game-Changer That Shook Bollywood’s Runways,
and Why We’re Dying for a Sequel
And let’s talk about Fashion’s leading ladies – Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut. Priyanka’s performance as the ambitious, starry-eyed Meghna Mathur was nothing short of a tour de force. She took us on a rollercoaster ride from small-town girl to supermodel sensation, making every triumph and downfall feel like our own. It’s no wonder she bagged the National Award for Best Actress, proving once again that she’s got the chops to carry any film on her shoulders.
Then there’s Kangana Ranaut, who practically set the screen on fire with her portrayal of the troubled supermodel, Shonali Gujral. Raw, real, and utterly heartbreaking, Kangana’s performance was the stuff of legends, earning her a well-deserved National Award for Best Supporting Actress. Together, these two powerhouses brought a level of authenticity and intensity to Fashion that we hadn’t seen before, and haven’t seen since.
So, what can we expect if Fashion 2 actually happens? For starters, a deep dive into how social media has transformed the fashion landscape. Remember when supermodels ruled the world? Now, it’s all about the influencers, the bloggers, and the celebs who’ve turned the runway into their personal playground. Madhur wants to shine a spotlight on this shift and ask the burning question: where have all the supermodels gone?
The plot of Fashion 2?
The filmmaker added, “The subject, however, is interesting. Social media has completely taken over. There was a time when we used to hear of supermodels. But in the last few years, can you recall the name of any supermodel? Bollywood celebs have taken over and have become showstoppers. This is what I want to ask through Fashion 2 – where have these supermodels disappeared? A girl sitting in some small town can be a model or an influencer. I want to focus on these aspects.”
We’re talking about a world where a girl from a small town can become an overnight sensation with just a smartphone and a killer hashtag. Imagine the drama, the backstabbing, the glamour—all magnified by the 24/7 scrutiny of social media. If anyone can bring this story to life, it’s Madhur Bhandarkar.
Fashion wasn’t just a film; it was a cultural moment. It redefined how Bollywood portrayed women, fashion, and ambition, and left us all craving more. If Fashion 2 is on the horizon, it’s safe to say we’re in for another groundbreaking, jaw-dropping cinematic experience. And honestly? We can’t wait to see who’s going to strut down that runway next.
Also Read: Did you know Priyanka Chopra has a koala Named after her? Here’s how she reacted
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