The upcoming release of ‘Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway’ has been causing quite a stir, with audiences eagerly anticipating the true story of Sagarika Bhattacharya brought to life by the talented Rani Mukerji. In a touching tribute, a special screening was held for the woman who inspired the film, allowing her to witness her own life story unfold on the silver screen. It was an emotional experience for Sagarika, as she was seen wiping away tears and becoming visibly distraught throughout the screening. The film has already received high praise from critics, particularly Rani’s powerful and heart-wrenching performance, and it seems that Sagarika’s emotional reaction only further confirms the power and impact of this inspiring tale.
The emotional resonance of ‘Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway’ is not only evident in the film, but also in the profound reaction of Sagarika Bhattacharya, whose life inspired the story. A recently released video shows Sagarika deeply affected, wiping away tears as she speaks about the film. She says, “I may not be the best mother, but I am a mother who can do anything for her children. Thank you, Rani mam, you have won my heart. I am so happy.” Sagarika also praises Rani’s “mind-blowing” performance and the film’s team for doing justice to her real-life tale. This poignant clip highlights the raw emotion and authenticity that drives the powerful movie and leaves no doubt about its potential to deeply move audiences.
Take a look:
Ashima Chibber, who helms the film, expressed her admiration for the cast and crew, stating that “The shoot and the local crew consisted of many pregnant and working mothers, single parents and it felt like the entire set had this mother energy that took over.” She also acknowledged the difficulty in accommodating so many mothers and their children and praised the production team for successfully managing the challenge.
The highly anticipated movie, directed by Chibber, is set to hit theatres on March 17th.
To know more about the movie, Watch: Rani Impresses In ‘Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway’ Trailer
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