Netflix is gearing up to bring us the Indian adaptation of the beloved Archie comic book series with Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies.”But it’s...
By Neola Dsouza29 Aug 2023Since the day, Suhana Khan announced her upcoming movie The Archies. Fans and industry people alike are eagerly waiting for her to step...
By Neola Dsouza26 Jun 2023When it comes to friendship, these star kids are best friends and have taken it to a whole new level. Ananya Panday recently...
By Neola Dsouza23 Jun 2023Bollywood stars kids, Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, and Agastya Nanda along with the rest of The Archies cast which includes Vedang Raina, Dot,...
By Neola Dsouza19 Jun 2023The buzz around Suhana Khan is nothing short of electric. As the daughter of Bollywood’s beloved couple, Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan, all...
By Neola Dsouza12 Apr 2023