Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, revealed the best and the worst government services in the UAE. The UAE ruler took to Twitter to announce the services that made it to the top of the list and those at the bottom. The results come from the UAE’s new customer satisfaction rating tool. Here’s what the results look like.
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Issuance of passports and driver’s licenses and the services of the Ministry of Interior and Foreign Affairs topped the list. On the other hand, services of attestation and equivalence of educational certificates and booking medical appointments made it to the bottom of the list.
These results were gathered through the recently launched Government Services Observatory, which garnered one million evaluations per month for more than 1,400 government services, according to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid.
More than 1,400 government services were evaluated at a rate of 1 million per month. “The method of transparency and announcing the results is a guarantee of continuous development and improvement,” said Sheikh Mohammed.
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On another note, the UAE has ranked among the world’s most trusted countries.
The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer polled more than 32k respondents in 28 countries to get their results. The findings from the study revealed that UAE was one of the most trusted countries in the world, despite the various variables. The UAE was ranked the third most trusted country in the world. In addition, the country also has a high degree of trust level in all four institutions including government, business, NGOs, and media.
UAE’s government once again topped the list as the most trusted institution with a score of 86 per cent, followed by business at 78 per cent. Besides, the UAE ranks high in economic optimism. As per the survey, 72% of respondents believe they will be better off economically in five years’ time. On the other hand, only 40% of global respondents said the same. This result is a 10-point decline from 2022.
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“The UAE’s clear long-term social and economic policies has seen the country become one of the most popular and sought-after destinations in the world, attracting expats, businesses, and tourists, while preserving the country’s unique cultural heritage and identity,” said Omar Qirem, CEO, Edelman Middle East.
“On a global level, economic optimism continues to decline, with 24 out of 28 countries in our study recording all-time lows, and 53% of respondents globally saying that their countries are more divided today than in the past.
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