One of Bollywood’s most loved, Deepika Padukone’s love life has always been the talks of the town. And recently there was another drama stirred up a tempest on Koffee With Karan 8, especially when she casually dropped the bomb about her “open relationship” with her ever-charming husband Ranveer Singh. Netizens, being the Sherlock Holmes of the internet, weren’t exactly thrilled, and Deepika found herself in the eye of the storm.
Deepika Padukone on facing heavy online trolling
So, what does she do? Does she retreat into silence? Oh, absolutely not! Deepika Padukone, the unapologetic truth-teller, stepped into the arena of criticism and said, “When I feel really strongly or passionately about something, I don’t think twice about expressing myself. I’ve grown to become this person where I’m not afraid of speaking my truth or owning up to mistakes. I’m not afraid of saying sorry, and I’m okay to be the only person in the room who has a different point of view.”
In simpler terms, she’s basically saying, “Haters gonna hate, but I’m here for my truth, and I’m not sorry about it. Period.”
For the unversed, here’s what happened on koffee with karan 8
Now, rewind a bit to the Koffee With Karan 8 episode where Deepika spilled the relationship tea. “I didn’t commit until he proposed to me. Even if we were technically allowed to see other people, we would just keep coming back to each other.” Well, that unleashed a comment storm.
On the professional front, She will next be seen in the movie Fighter alongside Hrithik Roshan. She also has Nag Ashwin’s directorial Kalki 2898 A.D, and Singham Returns are on her plate. So, while the internet simmers with opinions, Deepika Padukone, continues to slay on and off the screen unaffected and we love it!
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