Luxury, deluxe, super-deluxe, twin-sharing- we’ve heard them all! But, have you ever heard of vegan hotel rooms? Well, it comes as a surprise that veganism has found its way into hotel rooms now, after food. And yet again, the UAE is the first to launch the world’s first vegan hotel room at Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi. So, what is exactly are these rooms? Read on to discover.
To begin with, the Emirates Palace is under the process of rebranding itself into Mandarin Oriental. And the vegan rooms are a part of the same initiative. The property’s West Wing, has six rooms which are completely free from animal products. Well, It looks like a typical hip hotel room, with rich fabrics and finishes. But what makes it stand out is that the room is completely vegan, from the furnishings to the room service.

From toiletries to furnishing & food- it’s all plant-based
The accommodations feature faux leather furnishings, feather-free duvets, plant-based bathing products, a vegan in-room dining menu, wooden floors in place of carpets made of wool, mini bars filled with alternatives for almond and oat milk, and a selection of kombuchas.
The idea is taken all the way down to the toilet paper, bathrobes, and pool towels, as well as the laundry detergent and cleaning supplies utilized in these particular rooms. Wood is used to make key cards, and plants, especially peace lilies, which are known to naturally enhance air quality, eliminate the need for air fresheners.

Visitors to the spa have the choice to try vegan products and services. Additionally, all restaurants now offer a variety of plant-based options, thanks to increased vegan menus and natural ingredients from the hotel’s own vegetable garden. Additionally, visitors get a welcome package with travel-sized items from the clean beauty line Tata Harper.
Two of the ground level’s two vegan rooms have direct access to the grounds and pool, and there are four vegan rooms on the top floor, two of which are interconnected. The staff are trained to ensure that they properly comprehend vegan lifestyles. With food sensitivities and preferences at the forefront of their minds, the team started creating menus and arranging buffets when it occurred to them that no one had applied this thinking to guest rooms.

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