The cinematic worlds of India and Vietnam have united for the first time, bringing us the highly anticipated film ‘Love In Vietnam.’ This groundbreaking project is a blend of artistic brilliance and cultural fusion, steered by none other than the acclaimed director-turned-producer Omung Kumar. Adding to the star power are Director-Producer Rahhat Shah Kazmi, festival maestro Captain Rahul Bali, and Abhishek Ankur.
A Sneak Peek at ‘Love In Vietnam’
Unveiling its first look at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, ‘Love In Vietnam’ promises to be a visual and emotional feast. The film, directed by the visionary Rahhat Shah Kazmi, is an adaptation of the bestselling novel “Madonna In A Fur Coat.” The unveiling event was nothing short of a spectacle, graced by the lead stars Shantanu Maheshwari and Avneet Kaur, alongside Vietnamese sensation Kha Ngan. The red carpet sparkled with the presence of the film’s power-packed team, including producers Captain Rahul Bali, Tariq Khan, and Zeba Sajid.
This cinematic gem is supported by the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and the Consulate General of Vietnam in Mumbai, with Vietnam Airlines also backing the project. It’s a true testament to the spirit of international collaboration.
Produced by Omung Kumar, Rahhat Shah Kazmi, Captain Rahul Bali, and Abhishek Ankur, ‘Love In Vietnam’ is set to dazzle audiences under the banners of Blue Lotus Creatives, Rahhat Kazmi Film Studios, Innovations India, and Lensglare Entertainment.
Why ‘Love In Vietnam’ is a Must-Watch
With such a stellar cast and crew, ‘Love In Vietnam’ is shaping up to be a cinematic masterpiece that transcends borders and brings together the best of both worlds. Whether you’re a fan of intense dramas, breathtaking visuals, or simply looking for a film that promises to deliver on all fronts, this one’s got it all.
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