The Global star, Diljit Dosanjh has found himself in the middle of a controversy. A recent comment during his Dil-Luminati tour had fans and trolls running wild. Diljit said he wouldn’t perform in India until the infrastructure for concerts improved, and the internet boldly reacts. But, Diljit knows how to clear the air even if it means deleting posts after dropping truth bombs.
Diljit Dosanjh Sets The Record Straight
During his Chandigarh concert, Diljit’s statement about India’s live concert venues went viral faster than a trending reel. People misinterpreted it as him saying no more concerts in India and the backlash online began. Taking to social media to clarify, Diljit wrote, “Nope. I said there was a problem with the venue in Chandigarh (CHD). So… until I get the right venue, I.” He deleted the post shortly after because, well, trolls gotta troll.
Here’s what happened
In his now-viral concert speech, Diljit reportedly said, “We don’t have proper infrastructure for live shows here. This is a significant source of revenue, and many people depend on it for work. I’ll try next time to ensure the stage is in the center so you can all gather around it. Until then, I won’t be doing shows in India, that’s certain.” Diljit being Diljit, he clapped back subtly.
Diljit’s ‘Panjab’ spelling faces backlash
Diljit got dragged over spelling Punjab as Panjab in a post about his Chandigarh show. Some netizens were quick to point out that “Panjab” is more commonly associated with Pakistan, and before you know it, the outrage cycle began. Frustrated but still cool-headed, Diljit hopped onto X (formerly Twitter) to issue another clarification and silence the noise.
????? ??
— DILJIT DOSANJH (@diljitdosanjh) December 16, 2024
Kisi ek Tweet Mai Agar ????? ke Saath ?? Flag Mention Reh Gaya Toh Conspiracy
BENGALURU ke Tweet Mai bhi Ek Jagha Reh Gaya Thaa Mention Karna..
Agar ????? Ko PANJAB Likha toh Conspiracy
PANJAB Ko Chaye PUNJAB likho..
????? ????? Hee Rehna ?
Panj Aab – 5 Rivers…
What’s Next for Diljit? Concerts, Movies, and More
While Diljit might be dodging controversies, he’s got one last Dil-Luminati India tour performance lined up in Mumbai on December 19, followed by a grand finale in Guwahati on December 29.
And when it comes to films, Diljit is not slowing down anytime soon. He’s reportedly part of No Entry 2 and Border 2.
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Also Read: Diljit Dosanjh Defends His ‘Panjab’ Spelling, Shuts Down Trolls with Bold Reply
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