Bollywood’s power couple, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, have just dropped the biggest bombshell of the year! It seems like B’town has caught some serious baby fever because after A-lister Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli welcomed their baby boy – Akaay, and Varun Dhawan announced his wife Natasha Dalal’s pregnancy, these two lovebirds, Deepveer, are expecting their first bundle of joy, and the internet is ablaze with excitement!
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh CONFIRM the pregnancy rumours
In a move that left fans swooning, Ranveer and Deepika took to their Instagram handles to share the news, sending shockwaves of happiness throughout the nation. With no words needed, their post spoke volumes, announcing that their mini-me is set to make its grand entrance into the world in September 2024.
The signs were all there but we never noticed. When Deepika slayed the red carpet at the BAFTA awards, rocking a stunning Sabyasachi saree, eagle-eyed fans couldn’t help but notice a certain glow about her. And let’s not forget those airport sightings, where whispers of a baby bump were floating around.
After six years of marital bliss, Ranveer and Deepika are taking their love story to the next level with this adorable addition to their family. Ever since they tied the knot back in 2018, fans have been eagerly awaiting this moment, and now that it’s finally here, the excitement is palpable!
Wishing the best for the lovely parents to be!
Also Read: Ranveer Singh’s ‘Don 3’ Finds Its Leading Lady In Kiara Advani – Confirmed
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